SALT - Volunteer Opportunities

Want to get involved at Christ Community? We have a few opportunities where youth between 7th and 12th grade can volunteer their time.

These opportunities will come with one 2 hour training session before they begin their first day.

If you have a student or are a student interest please contact our Director of Youth and Family Ministry,  Adria Charles, at 

Details: The youth would arrive at the high school at 8:45AM to help set up the tech for CC!KIDS. This would include connecting the tv to the computer and the computer through the speakers through a sound board. During Sunday school the youth would help the CC!Kids Leader by bringing up the slides, videos and anything else on the the tv that is needed for the lesson.

CC!KIDS Leader: (Ages PreK - 6th grade)

Details: The youth will arrive at the high school no later than 9AM to help with any final setting up of the Sunday school space and to run through the lesson plan with the director. The youth will help check in children before worship. Some children may come to CC!Kids after the first songs have finished but all will be checked in before worship.

Toddler Caregiver: (Ages 0-4)

Details: The youth will arrive at the high school no later than 9am on their scheduled Sunday to open up the Toddler Area. The youth will play, interact and watch the children during worship. They will be responsible in using our check in system for the children.